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Cambodia transfers knowledge to help Ukraine defuse bombs

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The Russian invasion of Ukraine As a result, many unexploded bombs have been found in about 40% of Ukraine’s territory. 

Cambodian expert in Poland is showing the use of demining equipment to Arseny Dyachenko from the State Emergency Service in Ukraine, along with his co-workers which on that day. Djachenko also demonstrated how the Japanese-made Advanced Landmine Imaging System, or ALIS, works.

Djachenko explains that the machine will allow us to see metal objects in the ground and show spatial lines. From the survey using the radar signal method (Ground Penetrating Radar – GPR) when viewed through the survey screen. We had to assess whether the find was a mine or just scrap metal.

Advanced demining equipment and assistance with its use are of great importance for Ukraine. According to the assessment of the Ukrainian government Mines and unexploded ordnance resulting from the Russian war on Ukraine It can be found in 40% of the area in Ukrainian territory.

Djachenko said: “Right now, our urgent need is to There is both personal protective equipment. Mine clearing machine and local metal detectors like ALIS.”

The Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMCA) has provided demining training to Ukraine. After completing training in Cambodia They traveled to Poland to complete the course.

Oum Phamro, deputy director of the CMCA, explained that Cambodia has dealt with landmines and unexploded ordnance. As a result of the war that ended in the late 1990s, or about 30 years ago, during the past decade Experienced Cambodian mine clearer Have worked in many countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Speaking to VOA, Famro said: “Ukraine needs to be specialized. including training, equipment, and support from other countries to solve problems We think that after the war ends They will face many problems. Considering the situation there (Ukraine), I think it will be a big problem.”

Although Cambodia has good relations with both Russia and China. However, Cambodia joins nearly 100 member states in the United Nations. in supporting the resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Cambodian experts have been involved in demining projects. which is a supported project both from the government and Japanese developers.

Motoyuki Sato, developer of the ALIS demining device, estimates that Ukraine may need massive amounts of such equipment in the coming years.

Sato estimated that “even after the war ended, The demining operation may continue for more than 10 years to speed up the cleanup. I hope the ALIS device will play a part in this process.”

Maintaining the security of the territory It is complicated and expensive in the long run. Many countries, including the United States, Germany, Canada and France, have provided demining assistance to Ukraine. This year, Japan has allocated $45 million to support demining efforts in Eastern European countries.

Refer to the latest assessment. from the United Nations and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine It is expected that the clearance of hazardous materials existing in Ukraine It could cost as much as $30 billion and take decades to complete.

  • Source: VOA
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