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Sun Chanthol acknowledges that online fraud is a barrier to attracting investment

The First Vice President of the Council for the Development of Cambodia, Sun Chanthol, speaks at a public discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Affairs (CSIS) in Washington, DC on October 1, 2024. (YouTube Screenshot / CSIS)

The First Vice President of the Council for the Development of Cambodia, Sun Chanthol, told a forum in the United States recently that Cambodia Affected by Online Fraud, Barriers to Investors Wanting to Invest in Businesses This one Southeast Asian country.

Speaking at a forum organized by the Center for Strategic and International Affairs (CSIS) in Washington on the first day In October, Sun Chanthol, the former Minister of Public Works and Transport, is now the Deputy Prime Minister. Provides perception that online fraudulent transactions also have an impact on Cambodia’s tourism industry Let the government eliminate this cybercrime as low as possible.

“We do not allow this or allow it, so we are fighting for it,” he said. This is very strong. Our Prime Minister has instructed the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior to crack down on illegal online gambling. And try to crack .. not a normal try! Is working hard to crack down on this online scam. It is affecting us the most, as well as the world. Round and face of Cambodia. “It’s not good.”

He added: “So to attract tourists to Cambodia or to attract foreign direct investment … Some say, “I’m afraid to go.” You know, so we have to work hard and we are working very hard … I do not think so. That we can eliminate 100 percent. But at least get rid of it as much as possible so that does not happen again in our country. So this is what is being done today. ”

He said the issue also affected his work in attracting foreign investors. “Of course it affects my job as well. When I go to promote investment, if you Ask me the same question, I do not dare to invest in Cambodia because of online fraud, human trafficking. It affects us economically, so we will not allow this to continue. “We will handle this as much as possible.”

Mr. Sun Chanthol made the remarks at the ASEAN Leadership Forum organized by CSIS, the most important forum. In Washington for senior officials from Southeast Asian countries and other key dialogue partners, including organizers Policy based in Washington DC.

At the forum, Mr. Sun Chanthol also told the participants about the potential for investment in Cambodia, where he claimed That there are young people who are energetic and easy to train compared to other countries in the region, and Cambodia also received Benefits of the EU “EBA” preferential tariff system and trade agreements Some liberties, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP).

Sun Chanthol Questioned by Journalists About Mech Dara’s Arrest in Cambodia and Sanctions The US Treasury Department recently charged Tycoon Ly Yong Phat with his company’s involvement in the operation. Online scams as well.

Answering those questions, Mr. Chanthol said that he did not know about the arrest of Mr. Mech Dara while he was Abroad, but he claims that press freedom in Cambodia is better than other countries in the region. Regarding the sanctions on Ly Yong Phat, the Deputy Prime Minister said that it was a matter for the private sector, the Cambodian government will Can not protect and clear the name of Mr. Ly Yong Phat, only the tycoon has the duty to solve This story himself.

The Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on September 13 issued a statement expressing deep regret that Sanctions on Ly Yong Phat and his company were “unjust decisions”.

The Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs states: “The measures taken are based on baseless reports. On forced labor in this online scam is politically motivated and completely contrary to the spirit of strengthening relations “Bilateral and mutual trust.”

On September 15, 2024, the National Assembly of Cambodia issued a statement saying that US sanctions were “unfair”. To

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Function Hun Many posted a message on his Facebook page on the 15th. September called US sanctions on Ly Yong Phat a “handshake.”

However, LICADHO’s Director of General Affairs, Am Sam Ath, told VOA that in the past, online scams Has caused harm to Cambodia, and many countries have raised this issue and called on the Cambodian government to intervene. Their people are like the case of the recent rescue of more than 60 Indians.

He believes that if this continues to happen in Cambodia, it will be difficult for investors to decide to invest in Cambodia. And tourism may continue to be under pressure from cyber-fraud.

“If this continues to happen, it will have a negative impact on Cambodia, especially on “Investing in international tourists and security, security and social order, yes.”

According to Am Sam Ath, the government should increase training in technology that can respond to the tactics used by criminals. Continue good regional and international cooperation to identify criminals and prevent and crack down on them Effectively eliminate all corruption, that is, no officials involved in this online fraud operation The law must be applied equally to all individuals involved in this technology crime.

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