Government to encourage people in the informal economy to enter the informal economy to improve livelihoods

VOA, PHNOM PENH – In the formulation of a new strategy of the government on the development of the informal economy for 2023 to 2028, those who are doing business in The informal economy will be rolled into an economic system with the support of the relevant authorities.

The new strategy will contribute to improving people’s lives and achieving sustainable development. Resistant to various crises. This is according to the results of the plenary session of the Council of Ministers on September 20 .

Government spokesman Pen Bona told VOA that the National Strategy for Informal Economic Development 2023-2028 is a supportive one. To the people who are engaged in the informal economy to grow like those who are engaged in the informal economy.

He said: “The government of the seventh mandate is to prepare a national strategy on informal economic development for 2023 to 2028. Why did he prepare it, because the Royal Government intends to support all those who engage in informal business so that he Get the same benefits as you in the system.

He added: “So recently, when there was an announcement from some authorities for them to register, he was worried. Worried, he was worried that he would have to pay taxes, pay this and that. Therefore, Samdech Thipadei, you have suspended the registration of anything, wait for the preparation of this national strategic policy and then leave. “Once.”

Those who rely on the informal economy refer to small business owners or market and street vendors; and Tricycle riders and so on.

According to a press release from the Plenary Session of the Council of Ministers, which was released to the public on Wednesday, the strategy National Informal Economic Development will respond to some challenges and realities and pay close attention On the well-being of the people and supporting the informal economy after the Kovid 19 crisis.

President of the Independent Association of Informal Economy, Mr. Vorn Pov, applauded the new government’s attention to the business community. Informal economy as a new context to further push them into the systemic economy With the monitoring of professional officials and local authorities.

He added that the National Strategy for Informal Economic Development 2023-2028 of the Royal Government has been achieved in response. An important one for people in the informal economy as they are facing a number of problems, including the recession Declining incomes and the pressure of rising commodity prices in the aftermath of the 19 Kovid outbreak.

“His needs for informal economists are social services, both economic, social and cultural rights and social justice,” he said. For theirs too. This is necessary to get his economy back to normal, as it was before the covid state.

The launch of a five-year informal economic development strategy also aims to strengthen your productivity and resilience. Make a living in the informal economy and accelerate economic participation in the system to ensure the progress of business, trade, investment and cooperation. Business, occupation and livelihood in Cambodia.

This national strategy prioritizes five key points, including:

  • Configuring, editing and setting up mechanisms to facilitate access to the system
  • Reducing the burden on compliance
  • Providing support and support to those who have entered the system
  • Capacity building and support for those who enter the system
  • Strengthening and expanding outreach and promoting awareness and participation.

The Royal Government considers the introduction of this new national strategy as a pioneer in the development of the informal economy to Increase cooperation between ministries, institutions, the private sector, national and international organizations, and establish relations with various associations.

2-Story Structure Discovered On Third Terrace Of Bayon Temple

(AKP Phnom Penh, 9/18/2023) — APSARA National Authority’s restoration team has discovered a new structure that was never known before, i.e. the construction of two overlapping stone walls on the third terrace of Bayon Temple.

According to the authority’s news release issued this morning, this structure was found while the technical team was strengthening the temple’s structure on the third terrace.

Miss Meng Sovanlylin, an architect and technician working on the third terrace of Bayon Temple, said this was the second time that technicians had found a two-story structure on the third terrace which differs from other ancient temples.

This structure has one platform, and another platform has been built from the outside, and changes in the architectural layout during construction have also been noted, she added.

Technicians have observed that the pre-built platform is less decorative, with only stone carvings, while the later-built platform has a more beautiful design.

Architects have speculated that the addition of stone wall may have been due to the builders’ change for a better design. By Phal Sophanith

Source: ក្រសួងព័ត៌មាន

From Angkor Wat to Sihanoukville: Cambodia’s Tourism Industry Flourishes

Cambodia has a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, and is witnessing a remarkable growth in its tourism sector. According to the Cambodia Ministry of Tourism, the country received over 280,000 international visitors in 2022, a 10% increase from the previous year. The main attraction for tourists is the Angkor Archaeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that covers 400 square kilometers and contains the majestic temple of Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world. The park also features other ancient temples, monuments and structures that showcase the Khmer civilization that flourished from the 9th to the 15th century.

Angkor Wat, which means “Capital Temple” in Khmer, was built by King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century as his state temple and mausoleum. It was originally dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu, but later became a Buddhist temple. The temple is renowned for its intricate carvings, towers and galleries that depict various scenes from Hindu mythology, history and culture. The temple also faces west, which is unusual for Khmer temples and suggests that it was associated with death and the afterlife. Angkor Wat is considered a symbol of Cambodia and its national pride.

However, Angkor Wat is not the only destination that attracts tourists to Cambodia. The country also offers diverse natural landscapes, such as mountains, forests, rivers and beaches. One of the most popular coastal areas is Sihanoukville, a city located in the south of Cambodia on the Gulf of Thailand. Sihanoukville is named after King Norodom Sihanouk, who initiated its development in the 1950s as a port and resort town. Sihanoukville has several sandy beaches, islands and coral reefs that offer opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, diving and fishing. The city also has a vibrant nightlife, with bars, restaurants and casinos catering to different tastes and budgets.

Sihanoukville; by Ben Stern on Unsplash

Cambodia’s tourism industry is expected to continue growing in the coming years, as the country invests in improving its infrastructure, services and facilities. The government has also implemented measures to protect its cultural and natural heritage, such as relocating some communities living in Angkor Archaeological Park to preserve its authenticity and integrity. Moreover, Cambodia has established diplomatic relations and cooperation agreements with many countries, especially in Asia, to promote tourism exchange and development. Cambodia hopes to welcome more tourists from around the world and share its unique charm and hospitality.

South-South Cooperation boosts expertise to protect plant health and livelihoods in Cambodia and Sri Lanka 

(12/09/2023, FAO) Smallholder farmers are important food producers globally. However, they often struggle to meet international standards on trade and related plant health requirements. Bridging the gap between smallholder farms and the global market is now more important than ever. Through South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) programmes, producers, exporters and technical experts are brought together to share valuable know-how and work together to strengthen agricultural production.

One key, but often overlooked area, for this critical expertise is plant health and plant protection.

Robust and up-to-date phytosanitary measures are crucial to regulating and preventing the introduction and spread of pests to plants and plant products. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is a multilateral treaty that aims to protect plants by preventing the introduction and spread of pests, and the IPPC Secretariat hosted at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), works to ensure all countries have the capacity to implement phytosanitary measures, thereby facilitating trade of agricultural products.

One FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) project is putting farmers at the centre of this process. Ensuring that agricultural products meet the required phytosanitary standards needed for international trade offers farmers an opportunity for earning additional income. The SSC project brought Chinese experts to Cambodia and Sri Lanka to share new technologies and products related to plant health and best practices in their use.

Here are two examples of how South-South Cooperation is helping farmers meet phytosanitary measures and ensure plant health:

A preliminary Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation in Cambodia identified gaps in the phytosanitary system. The information was used to organize training courses to boost phytosanitary knowledge and technologies. ©IPPC Secretariat.
In Sri Lanka, trainees learned about molecular diagnosis techniques. ©Zhihong Li

Fighting Banana Fusarium Wilt disease in Cambodia

For decades, farmers in Cambodia have been struggling with Banana Fusarium Wilt, a devastating disease affecting their second largest agricultural export, according to the World Trade Organization. Banana Fusarium is a soil-borne fungus that causes the lower leaves of the banana plant to wilt and turn yellow. As the disease advances, more of the leaves become yellow and die, leaving behind a “skirt” of dead leaves. The spread of this disease severely impacted banana production and exports in tropical areas of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia.

To combat Banana Fusarium, the IPPC Secretariat, implemented a project with the help of experts from China to improve Cambodia’s entire phytosanitary system. The project commenced in 2019 with a Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation, which helped to identify the gaps in the phytosanitary system. This information was then used to organize training courses on phytosanitary techniques and technologies in integrated pest management (IPM) to combat the disease.

Fifteen selected Cambodian National Plant Protection Organization officers learned monitoring, early detection and laboratory identification techniques, as well as IPM techniques. They also learned about the process for detecting and quarantining Banana Fusarium upon entry of imported bananas.  

Thanks to this training, farmers detected the disease at an earlier stage, enabling them to implement control measures before it could spread and cause significant damage. These new technologies showed how effective surveillance and pest management could contain Banana Fusarium and prevent its spread.

Experts led a training and field investigation to better prevent and control the spread of fruit flies, the main insect pest impacting mango production and exports in Sri Lanka. ©IPPC Secretariat

Preventing and controlling fruit flies in Sri Lanka

Through the SSC project in Sri Lanka, Chinese plant health experts offered training courses and field demonstrations on trap monitoring, morphological and molecular diagnosis, heat and irradiation treatments and IPM techniques that control fruit flies, a rampant pest in Sri Lanka’s mango plantations. Participants from the National Plant Quarantine Service learned to set up and check fruit fly traps in an orchard.

Since then, they have moved on to implementing better pest management techniques of fruit flies and improving the phytosanitary standards in the country because antiquated legislation of plant protection was harming the volume of exports. The country was still relying on an ordinance dating back to 1981, falling behind the current international norms. Now, with a targeted approach to boost phytosanitary capacities, the SSC project has helped Sri Lanka significantly improve its international and cross-border trade.

With this new pest surveillance methods, diagnostic techniques, plant health treatments and environmentally friendly IPM, the capacity of prevention and control of fruit flies in Sri Lanka has been greatly improved.

South-South Cooperation is a framework for spreading knowledge and expertise among developing countries. The FAO-China SSC project, implemented together with the IPPC Secretariat, demonstrated how strengthening the phytosanitary capacity allowed for safer and smoother trade in both Cambodia and Sri Lanka.  

Cambodia transfers knowledge to help Ukraine defuse bombs

The Russian invasion of Ukraine As a result, many unexploded bombs have been found in about 40% of Ukraine’s territory. 

Cambodian expert in Poland is showing the use of demining equipment to Arseny Dyachenko from the State Emergency Service in Ukraine, along with his co-workers which on that day. Djachenko also demonstrated how the Japanese-made Advanced Landmine Imaging System, or ALIS, works.

Djachenko explains that the machine will allow us to see metal objects in the ground and show spatial lines. From the survey using the radar signal method (Ground Penetrating Radar – GPR) when viewed through the survey screen. We had to assess whether the find was a mine or just scrap metal.

Advanced demining equipment and assistance with its use are of great importance for Ukraine. According to the assessment of the Ukrainian government Mines and unexploded ordnance resulting from the Russian war on Ukraine It can be found in 40% of the area in Ukrainian territory.

Djachenko said: “Right now, our urgent need is to There is both personal protective equipment. Mine clearing machine and local metal detectors like ALIS.”

The Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMCA) has provided demining training to Ukraine. After completing training in Cambodia They traveled to Poland to complete the course.

Oum Phamro, deputy director of the CMCA, explained that Cambodia has dealt with landmines and unexploded ordnance. As a result of the war that ended in the late 1990s, or about 30 years ago, during the past decade Experienced Cambodian mine clearer Have worked in many countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Speaking to VOA, Famro said: “Ukraine needs to be specialized. including training, equipment, and support from other countries to solve problems We think that after the war ends They will face many problems. Considering the situation there (Ukraine), I think it will be a big problem.”

Although Cambodia has good relations with both Russia and China. However, Cambodia joins nearly 100 member states in the United Nations. in supporting the resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Cambodian experts have been involved in demining projects. which is a supported project both from the government and Japanese developers.

Motoyuki Sato, developer of the ALIS demining device, estimates that Ukraine may need massive amounts of such equipment in the coming years.

Sato estimated that “even after the war ended, The demining operation may continue for more than 10 years to speed up the cleanup. I hope the ALIS device will play a part in this process.”

Maintaining the security of the territory It is complicated and expensive in the long run. Many countries, including the United States, Germany, Canada and France, have provided demining assistance to Ukraine. This year, Japan has allocated $45 million to support demining efforts in Eastern European countries.

Refer to the latest assessment. from the United Nations and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine It is expected that the clearance of hazardous materials existing in Ukraine It could cost as much as $30 billion and take decades to complete.

  • Source: VOA

Thailand and Cambodia Strengthen Cooperation Against Transnational Crime

BANGKOK (NNT) – Thailand and Cambodia have reaffirmed their commitment to improving cooperation in combating transnational crime. The commitment seeks to strengthen stability and security in both countries by encouraging closer cooperation.

Royal Thai Police Deputy Commissioner Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn has recently met with Cambodia’s National Police Chief Sar Thet to discuss strengthening relations between both sides, especially on the issue of combating cross-border crime. Pol Gen Surachate said that both sides expressed their intention to work together on this important issue, while the Cambodian police chief shared a similar resolve to strengthen coordination to tackle illegal activities in the region.

Am Sam Ath, deputy director for monitoring at the rights group LICADHO, stressed the importance of international cooperation to effectively resolve issues such as drug offenses, human trafficking, and money laundering. He stated that it is critical to solve these issues by enhancing the application of laws, particularly the safe village-commune policy. He added that stronger communication with all sides is critical to tackling these problems.

The Thai-Cambodian collaboration is also supported by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet, who has called for sustained and increased coordination in counterterrorism operations and combating illegal cross-jurisdictional activity during a bilateral meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the 43rd ASEAN Summit this week.

  • Information and Source
  • Reporter : Krajangwit  Johjit
  • Rewriter : Thammarat Thadaphrom
  • National News Bureau :

Hun Manet: Cambodia to become a high-income country by 2050

New Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet has announced his vision to make Cambodia a high-income country by 2050. Speaking at an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) business forum in Jakarta, the Western-educated leader said that Cambodia had recently launched an overarching national economic vision to “safeguard the nature of hard-gained peace and accelerate national development to achieve the milestone of becoming a high-income country by 2050”.

The vision, referred to as the “pentagon strategy”, involves developing human capital, the digital economy, and inclusivity and sustainability. Hun Manet, who took over power from his father Hun Sen last month after a lopsided general election that all opposition parties were barred from contesting, said that Cambodia has now evolved into a lower-middle-income nation with economic growth rates of 7 percent1.

In his first cabinet meeting, Hun Manet pledged wide-ranging economic reforms aimed at making Cambodia a “high-income country” by 2050. “The next 25 years will be a new cycle for Cambodia,” he said in a televised speech.

This ambitious vision has been met with both optimism and skepticism. While some see it as a sign of progress and development for the Southeast Asian country, others question the feasibility of such a goal and the lack of concrete plans for achieving it. Only time will tell if Hun Manet’s vision for Cambodia will come to fruition.

Photo Credit: Ministry of Information, Cambodia

Lunar Rush: Nations Compete to Unlock Moon’s Secrets and Build a Cosmic Future

In an ambitious race to explore the moon and unlock its water resources for future space missions and permanent settlements, several countries are leading the charge with remarkable findings and advancements. The moon, once considered a distant neighbor, is now the focus of international efforts.

1. NASA – The United States: NASA has been at the forefront of lunar exploration, with the Artemis program aiming to return humans to the moon by 2024. Their lunar Gateway project intends to establish a sustainable presence and unlock water ice resources. Recent findings include the confirmation of water molecules on the moon’s surface.

2. China: China’s Chang’e missions have been monumental. Chang’e-4 made history by landing on the far side of the moon. China is actively planning a lunar research station and aims to establish a sustainable human presence by the 2030s.

3. Russia: Russia, through its space agency Roscosmos, is collaborating with NASA on lunar exploration. They are developing a lunar gateway module, contributing to the international lunar effort.

4. European Space Agency (ESA): ESA has also shown a keen interest in moon exploration. They are contributing to the lunar Gateway and planning lunar lander missions. ESA’s involvement enhances the global effort to unlock lunar resources.

5. India: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is pursuing lunar exploration with its Chandrayaan missions. Although Chandrayaan-2 faced challenges, India remains committed to lunar research and resource utilization.

6. International Collaboration: Various countries are joining hands through international agreements like the Artemis Accords to ensure the responsible and sustainable use of lunar resources.

Recent developments, such as confirmed water ice on the moon’s surface, have fueled optimism for future space missions. As countries compete and cooperate in this international rush, the moon is poised to become a stepping stone for humanity’s expansion into the cosmos, unlocking valuable resources and establishing permanent settlements. The future of lunar exploration is brighter than ever, promising groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in our quest to understand and utilize the moon’s potential.

Cambodia, Indonesia Agree To Deepen Their Cooperation

AKP Phnom Penh, September 04, 2023—

The Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Indonesia have agreed to continue to strengthen and expand their cooperation to be even closer.

The agreement was made by Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and HE Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia, on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Jakarta this evening.

The two leaders also discussed the past close cooperation between the two countries, especially in the fields of economy, trade, human resource training and the fight against terrorism and cross-border crimes.

HE Joko Widodo took the opportunity to congratulate Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet on his appointment as the Prime Minister of Cambodia for the 7th Legislature of the National Assembly and conveyed a heartfelt greeting to Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, President of the Supreme Privy Council to His Majesty the King, as a close friend of him and of the Republic of Indonesia.

For his part, Samdech Thipadei thanked the Indonesian president for the congratulations and greetings, and commended the warm hospitality of Indonesia as the host country of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits.

Source: Ministry of Information

Hun Sen says Facebook ‘justice has been restored’ after agreeing to post again.

Former Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen returned to social media on Sunday, saying Facebook had “returned justice” to him after lifting the suspension of his account. self

Hun Sen posted that Facebook had rejected the Oversight Board’s recommendation to suspend its account for posting threats against political opponents.

by previously This former Cambodian leader who regularly uses Facebook It temporarily closed its Facebook account and threatened to boycott Facebook in Cambodia.

Hun Sen’s Facebook account, which has about 14 million followers, was reactivated in July.

In June, the Oversight Board recommended that Hun Sen’s Facebook and Instagram accounts be suspended for six months after a video he posted in January appeared to show Hun Sen telling the opposition. Opposite that They will face legal action or be beaten. If there are accusations that Hun Sen’s political party has rigged the election.

The Oversight Board’s recommendations deeply angered Hun Sen, who responded by banning Facebook representatives from entering Cambodia. and put the names of more than 20 members of the Overview Board on the blacklist.

But on Sunday, Hun Sen said Cambodia’s Ministry of Telecommunications would allow Facebook representatives to return to work in Cambodia. But sanctions against members of the Oversight Board remain in place.